Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just wait ...

The Republicans will put the kibosh on this*:

The number of businesses approved to accept food stamps grew by a third from 2005 to 2010, U.S. Department of Agriculture records show, as vendors from convenience and dollar discount stores to gas stations and pharmacies increasingly joined the growing entitlement program.

Now, restaurants, which typically have not participated in the program, are lobbying for a piece of the action.


What? People using government money to actually eat in a restaurant? That will never do. If they can afford to eat in a restaurant, they don't need food stamps. Bad enough they have TVs and cell phones.

It's the same thing with drug testing public assistance recipients and putting a time limit on benefits. Anything that makes poor folks' lives a little more bearable is completely out of bounds for the Republicans.

*Thanks to our pal Lambert for the link.

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