Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now ...

If we could only get HRH Governor Cuomo II to sign on to this:

Montana’s Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer believes his state should follow Vermont’s lead in progressive health care reform at the state level. He plans to ask the federal government to grant Montana waivers to adopt a better system modeled after the one used in the neighboring Canadian province of Saskatchewan ...

New York State borders two Canadian provinces (Quebec and Ontario). Can we copy their systems? Because I could do a lot with another $16.5K a year in my pocket.


  1. $12K here, and that's with Medicare. Not sure I want CA to go with our bordering country's medical plan...

  2. Hell, I'd even be happy to pay half of what I'm paying now if it went to the gummint to do single payer instead of some vampire insurance company.

    Not sure I want CA to go with our bordering country's medical plan...

    I hear ya. I don't trust the NYS Legislature to copy properly. That bunch in Albany could fuck up a wet dream.

  3. It just hit me, 40 minutes later, that you meant Mexico. Duh.

  4. Ah, Weedhopper, jury duty is dulling yer senses...;-)

    Understandable, actually. We have both Wes' Coas' and Eas' Coas' sensibilities. We see things from different perspectives. Sometimes one of us is under the hood and the other one is in the trunk. Heh.

  5. Considering the thousands of dollars in debt I am from medical expenses and a wholly fucked up insurance company, I would joyfully jump on the bandwagon for single payer coverage. However, my gov. is a woeful coward and won't take any risks that may spoil her chances at a cushy job in Obama's second term administration.

    She's hoping Obama will jettison Holder and appoint her Atty Gen or keep him and make her Solicitor General. Until then she can't rock the boat and give his minions cause to look elsewhere.

    Insurance: It's what hard working people pay to be told no.
