Saturday, September 24, 2011

Progress ...

Pic stolen from here.

Afghanistan has an air force.


  1. Nevertheless, be prepared. The Warning from God to U.S. will come upon thee without warning; doesn't matter if you're a heathen, Pagan, transvestite, gay, homophobe, Al-Qaeda, Jewish, or myself as a young, wily hypocrite. I love you, my friend, and I don’t wanna see you lost forever. God expects U.S. to repent and believe more strongly... OR be cast into the Lake of Fire through our own choice. The Trinity’s sick-to-death of all the overwhelming bullshit. I'm only a prophet. Don't be mad at ME!!! Your choice, my friend, to follow Jesus. Your demise. I'd strongly urge U.S. to repent when the Warning comes, yet, that's totally up to one person. You. God bless you with discernment.

  2. Nice triplane! The Afghans can fit twenty goats on the lower wing! And one in the cockpit for the pilot's pleasure, of course...

  3. What Fixer said, and
    Good one, Gordon.
