Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quote of the Day


... DICK CHENEY is giving advice to future politicians, which is kind of like the Manson family taking over for Dr. Phil ...

Honorable Mention:


... And for some odd reason Newt Gingrich is trying to look like Justin Bieber.



And ... speaking of horrible pictures ... did you see Voldemort Darth Dick Cheney's interview with Jon Karl when he took his battery out? All I could think of was this post from the Rude One. Were I in Karl's position, I'da grabbed that battery and threw it out the window.


  1. He wouldn't die 'til sundown, like after you chop off a rattlesnake's head. I could wait 'til then...

  2. I might have been tempted to 'upgrade' The Dick's battery with, oh I don't know, a cattle prod or an old Ford coil.
