Friday, September 16, 2011

Sarah Palin, take note

$2 million for a double-wide

This is in the same place where Rockford lived, although they just propped up his piece'a crap in the beach parking lot. I used to go there occasionally to fish (the pier used to be a lot longer and they had a barge) and these trailers, pardon me, mobile homes, have been there forever.

Surprisingly, this $2 million transaction doesn't go down in history books as the most expensive double-wide ever sold. During the housing hey day, other mobile homes in the park went for as much as $2.5 million. The premium buys access to a prime lot and Malibu shoreline views often only seen at the multi-million dollar homes of Hollywood celebrities.

Sounds like the kinda place a trailer-trash grifter who cashed in on the Mother Lode of Gullible could live comfortably and stay in touch with her roots.


  1. Seriously, do you want the Palins moving into your state?

  2. Maybe she can get a job teaching Repug Grift'n'graft 101 across the street from Paradise Cove at notoriously conservative George Pepperdine University.

  3. Go figure, I was wrong. I thought she was completely useless. Heh ...
