Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Seize the Uterus!

The General gets his little soldier all worked up writing a letter to a Texas Republican. Heh ...


But I'm afraid you're not fighting this war properly. Going after contraceptive providers isn't enough. What about those wicked not-men who demand that their partners complete the act outside of their womb tunnel? What are you going to do with them?

I think I can help. I've developed a bungee-based device that when strapped to a couple, limits the amplitude of a man's secret parts. Put simply, the device stops a mans hips from moving more than and inch and a half, just short of the 1.75 inch distance a normal man requires in order to disengage his little soldier from a not-man's woo woo thing.


It's all about your parts, ladies, and the Republicans are obsessed with them. A whole buncha no-fun assholes who would deny you any amount of pleasure without you "paying for it". Digby looks at this too ... seriously:

... It's a war on pleasure. Anything that promotes human happiness other than the ecstasy of counting money and prayer must be stopped.

I am so sick of these old pasty white guys making judgments about what women do with their bodies. I don't know how any self respecting woman could call herself a Republican at this point.


  1. Little government for me, Big Brother for thee. And you pay the tab, too.

  2. Who needs 1.75"? I can go off on a proximity fuse!
