Friday, September 30, 2011

'Shrooms make the man

Study finds ‘magic mushrooms’ may improve personality long-term

One more reason why I'm such a terrific guy!

I took those things at a bluegrass festival at some wild animal park in San Diego County many years ago. It was bitchin'! Plenty OK in the daylight, but when the sun went down and the big cats started sounding off it got even better! Ah, jungle noises...

Then I drove the 130 miles home, still under the influence. I got called "my hero" by one of my female passengers. She shoulda seen it from my side! No heroics, just survival. Heh.


  1. And boy, you got personality, old man. Heh ...

    Loved shrooms. Ain't ate any for 30-odd years. When I go to Amsterdam next year for my 50th, I'm gonna buy some. Might kill myself but hey, there's worse ways to go.

  2. Then I drove the 130 miles home, still under the influence.

    So tell me, didja have a driver's license at the time?

  3. Yes. My strict adherence to traffic laws today was ingrained much later by years of driving without one. And I like to piss people off by driving no faster than the speed limit. :-)

  4. Ahh, yes, I would have to agree that they give a person a different outlook on life. Timothy Leary had at at least part of it right.
    The damn things were all over the place where I grew up, cow pastures were a sure bet.
    Better than any acid I ever dropped too.

    I drove while high on them once too and it freaked my ass out, all the street lights were a yellowish tint and I kept thinking the stop lights were changing , slamming on the brakes at every corner.
    It's a miracle I didn't get pulled over, I would have wound up in a psych ward.
    Then again, maybe I should have anyway.....

  5. Look on the bright side, Nucks - you might yet! ;-)

  6. Yeah, his new ol' lady might have him committed, especially when he shows up to work 11 hours early. Heh ...
