Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stop or I'll sue ...

Now this is the Jesus I'm talking about:

Jesus Christ filed a lawsuit today in the New York Supreme Court against the Republican National Committee for what he is calling "egregious misrepresentation of his statements and image."


[Mr. Christ's attorney:] Our client isn’t telling the GOP what their agenda should be, he simply wants them to stop using his name when their actions contradict everything he stood for.

If the GOP would like to continue using his name they have to start making a significant effort to help the poor and the sick, instead of the rich, and start promoting a more peaceful agenda."


I admire Mr. Christ's restraint, as opposed to having his daddy do some smiting, though it would be more entertaining than a dry civil suit. Heh ...

Thanks to our friend Montag for the link.


  1. Hello Fixer,

    Thanks for the post. I only wish it was for real.

  2. The case will be dismissed when a judge rules that Jesus has no standing to sue because he's dead and can not be harmed.
