Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This one takes the fucking cake

First the applause over Goodhair's 234 executions, and now

Tea party audience cheers letting the uninsured die

God damn, I hate those 'bagger bastards.


Ron Paul was booed at the CNN/Tea Party Republican debate on Monday night after saying that al Qaeda did not attack the United States because “we’re free,” but because of U.S. military operations in the Middle East and the nation’s “unfair” treatment of Palestinians.

“This whole idea that the whole Muslim world is responsible for this and their attacking us because we’re free and prosperous, that is just not true,” he said, eliciting some cheers from the crowd.

But as he continued, the cheers were drowned out with boos.

See my comment above. And they're stupid as well for believing Bush's agenda-driven nonsense.

1 comment:

  1. Love me some Alan Grayson: "The Republicans' Healthcare Plan - Don't get sick and if you do, die quickly."
