Monday, September 26, 2011

Uncle Mike Wants You!

For the New York City Army. Seems the NYPD has anti-air capability:

NEW YORK — The New York Police Department could take down a plane if necessary, Commissioner Ray Kelly said Sunday, describing the counter-terror measures he implemented after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Kelly decided the city couldn't rely on the federal government alone after the attacks, he told CBS' "60 Minutes".

And so he set about creating the NYPD's own counter-terrorism unit, which is prepared for multiple scenarios and could even take down a plane, he said.


Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to work out too well?


  1. I just get this visual of anti-aircraft emplacements, searchlights, barrage balloons, etc. and gunners like in London and Berlin in WWII, only with badges...

  2. Comforting thought, ain't it? You know what's more comforting? Rudy Giuliani in control of an AAA battery.

  3. No worries. Those guns would throw way to the right. :)
