Thursday, October 13, 2011

As we say in Germany ...


Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather's Pizza, touts his own business experience in his quest for the Republican nomination. His calls his fix for the economy his "9-9-9" plan.


"It will raise taxes on the poor," said Roberton Williams, of the non partisan Tax Policy Center. "It will cut taxes on the rich." Williams calls 9-9-9 a double hit on low income Americans. The 30 million households that now pay no federal taxes would start paying 9 percent - plus the 9 percent sales tax on consumer goods including food, medicine and gas. Upper income Americans meanwhile would see their top 35 percent income tax rate slashed to 9 percent.


Personally, I hope Herman Cain wins the nom. I can't wait to see how the news media would spin the general election. I can see the Fox graphic now. "Election 2012: The Battle of the Blacks" or "Election 2012: The Darkening of the White House". I just wish it was over already. I don't know if I can take all this crazy for another year. I'm nuts enough as it is.

Great thanks to Blue Girl for the link.


  1. I know I sound like a TeaBagger/Rethug but we need a constitutional amendment that spells out our elections. From the elimination of the electoral college to limiting contributions, and including who votes, where and how governments have to administer them.

    I favor a rotating schedule of debates and primaries/caucuses that can't start before Easter of the election year. No one state has the monopoly on a certain spot because they rotate. Media will be required to provide, free, a certain amount of time for debates. But mostly a cap on what can be spent.

    Of course, there are lots of holes in this but we got to do something or we'll be in campaign mode 24/7 all year every year. Shit won't get done.

    (Ha! I made a funny!)

  2. Media will be required to provide, free, a certain amount of time for debates. But mostly a cap on what can be spent.

    Welcome to Europe!

  3. I think it would be funny as hell if he got the nomination. First of all because he doesn't really want it and secondly because he wouldn't win a single state. Especially the southern states.
