Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Bowtie of Doom ...

For Mitt Romney anyway. Steve Benen looks at George Will's latest spooge that slams Romney big time. I think the Repbublican establishment has conceded the 2012 race already and they want Romney out of the way so they can start again with a less-crazy field in '16. Presumably they want to lose horribly so the crazies can be marginalized between now and then. Their attempt to put the genie back in the bottle, or unshit the bed, as it were. With the microscopic attention span of the average American, the lunacy of this campaign should be all but forgotten, provided the crazies are chased back to their holes.

If not, why would an establishment guy like Will give the Dems a ready-made campaign quote like this:


Republicans may have found their Michael Dukakis, a technocratic Massachusetts governor who takes his bearings from “data” (although there is precious little to support Romney’s idea that in-state college tuition for children of illegal immigrants is a powerful magnet for such immigrants) and who believes elections should be about (in Dukakis’s words) “competence,” not “ideology.” But what would President Romney competently do when not pondering ethanol subsidies that he forthrightly says should stop sometime before “forever”? Has conservatism come so far, surmounting so many obstacles, to settle, at a moment of economic crisis, for this?


If the establishment wants one of theirs to win, they wouldn't be saying shit like this. If the one establishment guy in the clown car doesn't win the nom, none of the other clowns has a chance of beating Barry (unless they cheat ... big). If Romney does win the nomination, his establishment "friends", like Will, will have already given Barry enough ammo to kill him in the general. I don't think there's another establishment "savior" (non-Mormon, of course) waiting in the wings whom the crazies will accept. I expect to see Bush Son The Slightly Smarter in 4 years. These idiots make Jeb's dimwit brother look like a fucking genius.


  1. This subject came up on The McLaughlin Group about 20 minutes ago. "Spooge" Will also said that either Pawlenty or Mitch Daniels or Obama would be the next President which makes him look like he's now an Obama supporter, the panel's words, not mine, but it's hilariously ironic.

    Spooge should stick to writing about baseball.

  2. they can start again with a less-crazy field in '16

    Makes sense. If they can get the crazies back in their holes I'll chip in for some gopher poison.

  3. My dad used to use dynamite. Heh ...

  4. I think they are going to be even crazier in 2016, just like they got worse in Clinton's second term.
    all of their talk about love of Democracy is bullshit. Republican'ts hate democracy. When they lose that is.

  5. ...dynamite

    Damn, Fixer, no wonder ya had to put in a new garden!

  6. These day's gardens just might be a very good thing...

  7. ... a new garden!

    Nah, not here. Dad had 300 acres up near Albany that was overrun by gophers. Up there you can buy dynamite to remove tree stumps and do landscaping (lotta shale up there). On Long Island, you'd be doing time for setting off big explosives. I think dad just had more fun blowing holes in the ground (cherry don't fall far from the tree) than he did actually getting the gophers. Reminded me of Caddyshack.
