Friday, October 21, 2011

Bullshit ...

I don't care what that little shit from Florida says.


In a brief interview Thursday, Rubio said his accounts have been based on family lore. "I’m going off the oral history of my family," he said. "All of these documents and passports are not things that I carried around with me."


If you're a first or second generation American (like the Mrs. and me), you know exactly where you came from and when. The Mrs. knows how her people came from the shtetl during the Pogroms in Ukraine and Russia at the turn of the 20th Century. I can trace my English family back to 1544 and my German to 1815. I know my mother came here in May of 1951 aboard Queen Elizabeth and I know my dad came here in August of 1949 via Miami. I knew this when I was 6 years old. You know because your family who came here from the "old country" never lets you forget.

Lastly, if you're running for elected office, especially as a Republican, you know goddamn well that every fucking bit of your record will be scrutinized. If he didn't know he was talking bullshit, then he is more stupid than the average Republican.

The truth is he dreamed up a good story that he thought nobody had the balls to challenge and nobody can convince me otherwise.


  1. Smelled to me like a lie the first time I read his little "story.

    Everything said or written since corroborates his status as a pure liar.

  2. The birthers are starting in on him as well. Heh.

  3. A good rule of thumb is, if a Repub says it, it is a lie. No matter what it is.
