Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good way ...

To get yer ass blown away. Go ahead and try to enter my house without a warrant:

The Tennessee chapter of the ACLU is suing Immigration and Customs Enforcement over an alleged warrantless raid on an apartment complex housing people suspected of being illegal immigrants, during which an officer reportedly said “we don’t need a warrant, we’re ICE.”


I'll rephrase: "If you don't have a warrant, you're dead."

Just another example of police bullying people who can't fight back. Just like pepper-spraying women and beating on kids down on Wall St. You didn't see 'em fucking with any of the vets down there didja? Of course not because they'd have their nightsticks shoved up their ass and be eating their meals through a straw.

Time to take the heavy weaponry and body armor away from the cops. Let them feel a little vulnerable and maybe their methods might improve.


  1. I stopped depending on the cops when they were called because of an intruder then tried to find something on the callers (me). Not a confidence building experience but then when one told me "oh we don't go into that part of town it's too dangerous" that pretty much did it for me.
    The ground work for that was laid when a student of mine back in the '60's who happened to be a Los Angeles county sheriff's deputy said "I have to go to work now and beat up a few niggers". That was before the Watt's riots. I did not find those riots surprising.

  2. One of the problems with defending yourself against this......there is going to be a bunch of em at the door
    Here in Indiana....they are telling us we don't have a right to fight back.....BULLSHIT!

  3. Here's the deal. If they think you're dangerous, they won't kick in the door. They'll take a battering ram to the door while wearing enough armor to look like an Imperial Stormtrooper while flashbangs are going in via every window on the place swiftly followed by men with assault rifles at every window and every door, and all this is going to go down at 3AM when you're at your sleepiest and least prepared. Our cops are *GOOD* at this, they do it all the time as part of the "War on Drugs" when dealing with nasty folks, and the usual result when the person tries to fight back against home invasion is a dead body. The most danger the cops are in when they do these things "right" is being killed by a bullet from one of their coworkers, not being killed by the person they've decided to take down.

    Now, you might question *why* we have paramilitary cops capable of taking down an Iraqi resistance safehouse. But you can't question the reality that we *do* have paramilitary cops, many of whom, BTW, have on-the-ground military experience in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Those ICE agents were amateurs going after immigrants, who virtually always are unarmed because they don't want to come to the attention of law enforcement by buying a gun. But the pros know how to take down armed Special Forces vets. Heck, some of them *are* armed Special Forces vets.

    So it goes in Soviet America...

    -- Badtux the Sovok Penguin

  4. Badtux is right. Better to pick 'em off at long range far from where you live.
