Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I don't care ...

As long as they don't try to stick their hand in my pocket again:

Fears that the holding company for American Airlines, the fourth-biggest US carrier by passenger miles, would file for bankruptcy sent shares in AMR Corporation tumbling by a third on Monday.


Seems every industry we've bailed out turns around and begins a program of nickel-and-diming us for everything. Where's the gratitude for keeping them afloat with my tax money? I don't wanna hear that "we have to save American" for some bullshit reason or another. I believe in financial Darwinism and if your business model doesn't work, that's your problem, not mine. Nature abhors a vacuum and somebody will come along to take your place. You want me to give a shit about, and patronize, your business, treat me like a valued customer, not as an ATM.


  1. Back in the days when airlines actually owned jets it woulda been a disaster for a major airline to go bankrupt. The capital requirements for starting an airline were huge. Nowadays... not so much, because most airliners are actually rented from Boeing and Airbus, and if American goes under... (shrug). Some other airline will either start up or expand to fill its place and rent all those planes again.

    - Badtux the Flightless Penguin

  2. Hello Fixer,
    How to run a business. 1 - Take exorbitant salary for all top executives (both in cash and stocks). 2 - Sell off all profitable divisions. 3 - Declare bankruptcy (Chapter 11 to keep the business running). 4 - Get Federal money (your investment in politicians pays off). 5 - When the Feds give back you company do it again. 6 - If they won't let you do this with this company go and repeat this with another company. Second method of running a business. 1 - Take exorbitant salary for all top executives (both in cash and stocks). 2 - Reduce your workforce in high wage areas and move to low wage areas. 3 - Get Federal and or State money for moving. 4 - After this is completed repeat, repeat and (surprise) repeat. This may be oversimplified but it seems to be the way with the vanishing manufacturing sector of our economy (sic/k).
