Thursday, October 27, 2011

If you're making ...

$174,000/year and claim you're struggling, you're doing something very wrong, or you're lying:

The House Majority PAC — a fundraising machine charged with boosting Democratic numbers in Congress — is pushing polling today suggesting saying you struggle on the $174,000 taxpayers pay you for being in the House isn’t exactly the right move if you want to keep your job.


The polling comes from this greedy, deluded asshole bitching about his congressional salary:


At a town hall meeting in Polk County, Wisconsin earlier this year, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) was asked whether he’d vote to cut his $174,000 annual salary. Duffy sort of hedged, and went on to talk about how $174,000 really isn’t that much for his family of seven to live on. Then he went on to say he supports cutting compensation for all public employees, along the lines of what Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has proposed for the Badger State.


I got news for this clown. I got neighbors who, combined, make less than $40K/year and manage to support their families. That's struggling. They manage to feed and clothe their kids, pay the rent, and keep the car running so they can get to their 2 or 3 shit jobs at WalMart or Home Depot, or any other place that exploits them.

I'm sick of these overpaid assholes screaming about how "we have to tighten our belts" and "cut government spending" yet not a one of them has volunteered to give back any of their wages or benefits (taxpayer funded, I might add), that they all demand the rest of us should give up, in support of the cause.

Fuck them. Fuck them all.


  1. They're basically required to have two homes -- one in DC and one back home -- but still, they could live in an apartment in D.C. rather than requiring that plush Georgetown townhouse, right? I mean, it's good enough for the little people, the 55% of D.C. residents who will never own a home, right? Oh wait, these folks don't view themselves as ordinary Americans elected to do a job, they view themselves as royalty. Alrighty, then!

    - Badtux the Housing Penguin

  2. ... required to have two homes -- one in DC and one back home ...

    Build 'em a dormitory in D.C. and cut their pay in half.

  3. I like the way you think :). Of course, given that half of Congress is millionaires, they don't actually need a salary anyhow, but they're such money grubbers that even the peanuts that a Congressional salary represents to them is off limits. Assholes.

    - Badtux the 99% Penguin

  4. a dorm with razor wire 'round the perimeter and armed troops keeping them in.

  5. You folks are forgetting the cost of keeping a girlfriend or boyfriend. You can't settle for a cheap one and maintain your status.

  6. Hmm, you have a point. isn't cheap :).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  7. I saw where poverty boy gets another $120,000 per year above and beyond his congressional salary from some pension.

  8. Can't get along on $294K?! Godallmighty! I could show him how and so could 99% of everyone else!
