Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's cheaper ...

To buy it than stop it. Our pal Montag makes far more sense than the Obama administration's Afghanistan policy does:


By these numbers, the entire crop could be purchased for about $560 Million which is far less than we spend each year to stop Afghan poppy cultivation. And if we left them alone and bought all their crop each year they would be much happier and friendlier to us than they are now. And it would be much cheaper.


  1. I've thought for years we oughta do that.

  2. Sorry, it's too logical a solution. Our preferred way is usually something more complex, more expensive, and ultimately, more stupid.....

    .....Y'know, like the War On Drugs. It's been a total failure, but it's also been guaranteed cash and employment for a whole hell of a lot of people--think that's the real reason we still keep at it...
