Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I've said it ...

A million times. If I, through my shortcuts and shitbag work habits, managed to ruin my boss's business, forcing him to close up, I sure as hell wouldn't be expecting a bonus. Seems other industries have different rules.

Tribune Co. won court approval to pay as much as $42.5 million in incentive bonuses to 640 managers of the bankrupt newspaper publisher.


The bonuses are "critically important to maintain proper incentives for the management team," Tribune said in a court filing dated Aug. 30.


Proper incentives for what; more failure? If they managed to bankrupt the place, why keep 'em around to manage anything at all? There's one thing that should be done away with right now; golden parachutes. If you fuck up bad enough where you get your ass fired, or you just destroy the company around you, what right to you have to be paid to go away? (And they have the balls to talk about "welfare queens") Let alone being given a bonus to hang around and fuck up some more. No wonder these people are so divorced from reality.


  1. Just remember: the rules of stern, red-in-tooth-and-claw capitalism apply only to you and me: the little people.

    The Big People have managed to rig the game so that no matter how much they fuck up, they always come out on top.

  2. "If they managed to bankrupt the place, why keep 'em around to manage anything at all?"

    Asking a question like this proves you are on the other side and will never rule the world. Now, give them all your money.
