Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just sayin' ...



Tweet from @maxbsawicky (Max B. Sawicky): Liberal states with lower unemployment than Texas and no oil: VT, HI, MD, MA, WI, NY, DE. #socialism
Unemployment Rates for States


Hammering, dogs barking ... My head, it is numb ...


  1. My head, it is numb

    Check yer ear for an errant nail from a high-pressure nail gun.

  2. I would welcome a nail in the head at this point. ;)

  3. It only took two guys to put my roof on. One day of compressor chatter and pfft...pfft...pfft of their staple guns. The day they put the roofing paper on was real quiet. Glue makes no noise.

    Taking the old shakes/paper off was kinda noisy. Bigger crew. It was over in a very few hours though. They blew through the nails with a scraper and rolled it up and threw it on a truck and adios.

    Sanity will return! I think...

  4. They started at 7:30 and it's now a little after 1 and they're cleaning up. Fucking amazing.

  5. Note to Mr Sawicky, New York does have a little oil and, Boy Howdy , do we have gas. Frackin' A!
