Monday, October 31, 2011

Manny and Smokin' Joe

Take a break and go see the latest law enforcement procedures in use in Sierra County, just north of me. It's a far cry from the days when the resident deputy in Sierraville would run out on foot and try and catch motorists who ran the stop sign in front of his house. Heh.

Sierra County now has 2 passive speeder deterrents. The original is "Manny the Mannequin" in a static post position. The sheriff's office tows Manny around a couple of times a year and parks him in spots where we receive the most requests for his presence, to slow speeders down.

He is one of the hardest working deputies in that he never takes a break, never gets complaints nor does he ever complain. He slows speeders down without ever having to write anyone a ticket.

Additionally, the sheriff's office spent about $12,000 on a new "Your Speed Is" flashing radar speed sign on South Lincoln Street (SR-89) in the Town of Sierraville between Willow Street and Beverly Lane.

I like those signs. Lets me check the accuracy of my speedometer.

In the other picture you can see the original sole traffic signal in Sierra County, the flashing red light at the stop intersection of highways 89 and 49 (Main and Lincoln Streets) in Sierraville.

With the flashing radar sign, we now have two actual traffic lights.

The "two actual traffic lights" in Sierra County are only a few hundred yards apart.

Sierraville and its neighboring metropolis of Calpine are where folks move to when the hustle and bustle of Truckee get to be too much for them. Heh.


Mrs. G has taken to reading the Brain. She just came in and told me she didn't know Sierra Co. was using a dummy in a police car.

I gently reminded her that there are dummies in police cars everywhere. This one's a mannequin.


  1. I like those signs.

    Like waving a red flag at bull to me. I try to see how high I can get 'em to register. Heh ...

  2. Bummer they only got two digits. Heh.

  3. This one's a mannequin.

    Probly smarter than the cops around here.
