Monday, October 3, 2011

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Al Qaeda Rejects Iran's Allegations That U.S. Government, Not Al-Qaida, Behind 9/11 Attacks
“Next thing you know they'll be claiming the Holocaust really happened."”

Analysis: Republicans Still Looking For That Special Candidate
Someone with the sunny optimism of Bob Dole, the quick wit of Jerry Ford, the honesty of Richard Nixon and the intellectual curiosity of George W. Bush.

NJ Gov. Christie Mulling Presidential Run
Reportedly inquires if White House still has Taft bathtub.

There's been a lot of B.S. about Fats' weight lately. To paraphrase something I heard the other day, "When yer in the bathtub and the water level rises in the toilet, ya might wanta consider losing some weight". Heh.

Man Tosses 4800 Bottles Containing Messages Into Atlantic, Gets 3100 Responses
Most ask to be removed from his mailing list.

1 comment:

  1. Someone with the sunny optimism of Bob Dole, the quick wit of Jerry Ford, the honesty of Richard Nixon and the intellectual curiosity of George W. Bush.

    I don't think a human with all those attributes would be able to function.
