Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

FBI Thwarts Dangerous Plot
After first talking gullible dupe into carrying it out.

Experts: Phones to Replace Wallets, Keys
Soon you'll be able to quickly and with virtually no effort lose everything essential to you at once.

Researchers Hope to Reconstruct Black Death Microbe For Study
What could go wrong?

A Futuristic Toilet That Does it All!
Besides opening and closing automatically, it wipes and cleans you, then updates your Facebook page with new revealing pictures. It does everything but recycle your urine as lemonade, which is extra. $6400, at Sitting Pretty.

I'll be out in the woods with a handful of leaves, thank you...


  1. leaves of three, leave them be!

    (poison ivy!)

  2. What could go wrong?

    Sorta like "watch this".

  3. Thank you, David. I found that out...

  4. What could go wrong?

    My question is why? The black plague is endemic in Southern California. They could just catch some fleas out there, and save a whole lotta time and effort.

  5. There's bubonic plague in my town sometimes too.
