Friday, October 21, 2011

Pinhead on the Pyre

Troops in Afghanistan Burn Donated Copies of Bill O’Reilly’s Books

They may regret that the next time toilet paper runs low. Heh.


  1. ... the next time toilet paper runs low.

    My thoughts exactly when I heard this.

  2. I don't know if you're old enough to remember C-rations, but toilet paper (and 4 cigarettes) came in each ration. Figure two rations per day, it was barely enough wipe even considering that C-rats only let ya shit about once a week. We didn't have O'Rally in those days. Heh.

  3. ... remember C-rations ...

    My stomach still flips when I think aobut them. MREs came about 10 years after I got out.

  4. Me and my battalion commander were the only two Marines in the Corps who actually liked Ham and Limas. Heh.

    We tested "M-rats" while I was in, roughly analagous to MREs, i.e. came in envelopes and somewhat foodlike. That was in the mid '60s. They took their own sweet time refining them enough to actually get 'em to the troops. Probly afraid of a work stoppage.

  5. MRE = Meals Rejected by Ethiopians

  6. Heh. There's an oatmeal bar or something in those that are inedible to the point they reinforce their firing positions with 'em.
