Sunday, October 9, 2011

Quote of the Day

Drifty, as he disassembles Bobo Brooks once again:


For last 40 years, Mr. Brooks' Party and Movement have sprinted flat-out, full-tilt into the embrace of hucksters and demagogues who traffic in nothing more than "obscurantism and illiteracy, raised to the level of dogma". Have preached nothing but a doctrine of remaining "as ignorant today as you were yesterday" from every pulpit and husting and media megaphone, while keeping the Pig People in a constant state of terror that the woods are indeed not only just full of "monsters and aliens" but their dirty Commie Liberals with whom they are who are in league with.


1 comment:

  1. I have to admire Drifglass for his patience with deconstructing Bobo. I used to watch Bobo and the Dem on Leherer, but gave up within a year or two of giving up on business classes and THAT was a few years before I started blogging.
