Thursday, October 6, 2011

Radio check, over...

Usually, a radio check in the service was pretty dull. Every RTO does them on a regular basis to see if his radio works and if anybody can hear him and he can hear them. Goes like this:

"Any station this net, radio check, over." Zzzzzzz...

This morning a less dull one popped into my head and I can't get rid of it. It's like something from 45 years ago bubbled up through the ooze and is doing fast laps in my noggin. I feel the need to spread it around and maybe it'll go away, you lucky people. Silly, but here goes:

Unidentified Marine radio operator: "Ah'm tall as a tree an' black as a crow an' Ah talks mah shit on da ray-dee-o. How copy, over?"

The reply, "Fee fi fo fum, hears ya loud wid a little hum!"

Maybe it'll sink back down inta the ooze now...


  1. You had too much free time sittin' in the doctor's office. That's usually when stupid shit pops into my head and doesn't go away, when I'm waiting for something and have nothing to occupy my brain.

  2. You're probly right. I was trying to read an old NatGeo without my reading glasses.

  3. Once upon a time in another life I was a radioman in the US Navy. While on watch one night aboard ship the airwaves were quiet with only the occasional radio check except for this one turkey. The proper response of "loud and clear" or "five by five" failed to reassure that lonely and obviously new radioman. What finally shut him up was the response "too loud and too often".

  4. I woulda gone with Old Fool as a handle if I'da thought of it! Good for you!

  5. Is that how you do it in Morse?
