Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Right on ...

I got a problem with drug testing in the same way I got a problem with drunk driving roadblocks. Yes, you catch people doing something illegal but you also subject the majority of people to a denial of their rights, namely, being presumed guilty without justification. If there is no probable cause to believe someone is drunk behind the wheel, or stealing so support a habit, why are they sujected to a denial of free passage on a public highway or of the opportunity to get a job (or some other thing desired). It especially chaps my ass because the ones doing the testing (or advocating the roadblocks) generally aren't subjected to the same infringements of their rights as the "common folk".

That said, an Ohio state rep feels the same way:

Republican lawmakers across the country have called for those seeking temporary government assistance to be drug tested. One state representative wants to extend the principle one step further, and drug test recipients of corporate welfare.

Ohio state Rep. Robert Hagan appeared Tuesday night on MSNBCs’ The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss his proposal.


Hagan said that if Republicans wanted to be consistent, they should drug test everyone who receives public money, including politicians, judges and recipients of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) — rather than just working and middle class people.


Good man. It would only be better if they abolished drug tresting completely.


  1. I've walked out of job interviews when they told me I was going to be drug tested and told the interviewer I would pass but I'm against them in principle.

    Fat chance the pols who get taxpayers' money are going to legislate drug testing for themselves. That's a boot on the neck for the common folk.

  2. I've walked out of job interviews when they told me I was going to be drug tested and told the interviewer I would pass but I'm against them in principle.

    I tell them right off, "yeah, I smoke pot, but I still won't piss in a cup; hire me or don't". They don't but I look at that as a good thing.

  3. Good idea.

    I bet if we did this, we would probably find out that a good part of our corporate\political\Villager elite (I'm talkin' to you, Peggy Noonan) are half-bagged on booze and coke. That would explain the crazy idead they come up with and the crazy laws they pass....

  4. They know that and that's why it'll never pass. Must be nice to make laws for OTHER people.
