Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Slave labor ...

Instead of giving more money to the "job creators", how about we put a gun to their head to pay Americans a living wage, as opposed to trafficking foreign students in to serve as slave labor?

Hundreds of foreign students, waving their fists and shouting defiantly in many languages, walked off their jobs on Wednesday at a plant here that packs Hershey’s chocolates, saying a summer program that was supposed to be a cultural exchange had instead turned them into underpaid labor.


I'd say that if you were going to take a vacation at Hershey Park, you might want to change your plans. I believe Halloween is coming up next week. Think about that when you buy candy for the local ankle biters.

Great thanks to Tengrain for the link.

1 comment:

  1. ...and learn what life is like in the United States

    Mission accomplished.
