Friday, October 21, 2011

Strong on National Security ...

Ya think?

... This [the killing of al-Awlaki, bin-Laden, and Gadaffy] helps to inoculate Obama against GOP attacks on national security, but at the same time the number one concern Americans have is the economy. And if the Republicans keep voting against economic proposals the people like, like they did last night, Obama and the Dems in Congress can turn this around.

Though, heaven forbid, the Rethugs give him credit.

Top Republicans are starting to weigh in on Muammar Qaddafi’s death and one consistent theme is quickly emerging: Barack who?


Could you imagine the backslapping and partying if these 3 assholes were deleted when the Chimp was President?


  1. The Chimp couldn'ta thrown a beer bash in a brewery even if someone else had brought the potato chips.

  2. Remember "Mission Accomplished"?

  3. I've never understood why people think that Repubs are strong on Nat'l Security. Democrats won 2 world wars, Repubs beat Panama and Grenada. The first Iraq War doesn't count because it was a coalition effort. 9/11 should have killed that myth.
