Friday, October 21, 2011

Tell me ...

How this isn't treasonous:

The residents of Tea Party Nation always come up with the most innovative solutions to America's problems—bold ideas that would never come to the mind of your average, mediocrity-embracing sane-American. The latest comes from TP national Melissa Brookstone, who wants small businesses to stop hiring people until Obama's "war" against their businesses and their country ends.


Were the tables turned, the Teabaggers would be screaming that the libs were destroying the economy so the Muslim Kenyan Commie Fascist Usurper could institute Sharia law.

In the Teabag world, though, anything is fair game in the effort to make Obama a 1-term President. I'm really sick of these people.

Great thanks to MBRU for the link.


  1. A cure for this malady would be a good teabagger colonic. Flush out all that teabagger crap that's sticking to the walls of this country's guts.

    My mom always served up a good bran muffin. Now, if we could just get the country to eat one.

  2. The country needs an enema, David.

  3. Ah, yes, a high colonic for the soul of the nation. Many hoses.

  4. I kind of doubt that she is a small business or any kind of business owner. And I really doubt that even a Teabagger would cut their own throat by publicly signing her bullshit manifesto or whatever she calls it.
