Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wah-wah-wah ...

You took my war away!

Aside from Grandpa Walnuts, it looks like the biggest whiner is perennial candidate Mitt Romney:

Oh, good, Mitt Romney wants to pretend to have foreign policy credibility again. Just one day after taking his sixth different position on U.S. policy in Libya, the former one-term governor is complaining about the end of the war in Iraq.


Which is part is the "astonishing failure"? And why is it, exactly, that Romney believes the U.S. military presence should simply continue on, indefinitely?

Romney added today that he’s concerned that “political calculations” were part of the decision making. Think about that one — Mitt Romney, whose decision-making process generally involves sticking his finger in the air to see which way the winds are blowing, is accusing someone else of making "political calculations."

If the Romney campaign was able to type that one up with a straight face, I’d be very impressed.


I love how all these assholes are crying. In one week, the President has done more in the name of national security than the Republicans did in the previous 8 years, let alone what he's done in the last 6 months.

1 comment:

  1. There's a term for what the Repubs are up to. It's called "sour grapes."

    Yeah, it's a real bitch when a Democratic Kenyan socialist does a far better national security job then your side ever did--and at a far lower cost...
