Sunday, October 9, 2011

Who else?

Dr. Krugman on the Occupy Wall Street protests:


There will, of course, be the usual attempts to dismiss the whole thing based on trivialities. Look at the oddly dressed people acting out! So? Is it better when exquisitely tailored bankers whose gambles brought the world economy to its knees — and who were bailed out by taxpayers — whine that President Obama is saying slightly mean things about them?

Or, why don’t they try to work within the system? Well, how’s that been going for those who did indeed try? When palace intrigue undermined the likes of Elizabeth Warren even within the Obama administration, and Republicans have thrown their full backing behind the malefactors of great wealth, why shouldn’t protesters go outside the usual channels?


Americans, unlike what the conservatives portray them as (white, Midwestern, Christian), are all sorts. A note to our politicians: The "real Americans" are out in the streets in your cities and towns and they come in every color and every type of dress. Disregard them at your peril.


  1. There should be a law that says if you find yourself behind a Congresscritter you are allowed one swift kick in his ass. No demerits if your foot gets stuck.

  2. There haven't been many meaningful demonstrations since they ended the draft after Vietnam. That let them go fight all the dubious wars they've wanted to without much input from a non-involved citizenry.

    This deal came outta left field, on more than one level, and they're not sure what to do about it other than the old tried-and-true use of cop force and media suppression, neither of which are working very well.
