Friday, October 21, 2011

Wouldn't it be funny...

...if it turns out that while the Libyan rebels were parading Mooamar around and showing the world they had captured him, and while they were all firing their weapons into the air, he was killed by a falling bullet through the top of his skull?



  1. Funny, not surprising. Personally, I think they shot him when he begged them for his life. I probably would have too.

  2. That's what I think.

    Some of his captors wanted to parade him around, others wanted to put him on trial but one guy (who probably had family put to death by this goon) saved them the trouble and blew out his guts as soon as he saw him.

    "Damn, Abdullah. We was gonna put him on trial. Now we can't! Shit! Oh well, let's pack him up. Keep him together guys, we don't want to leave anything behind. Hey, you there! Pick up that eyeball!"

  3. They've got him on display in a meat freezer at al-Mart. Heh.
