Monday, November 14, 2011

But of course ...

The Penn State child abuse was the Liberals' fault. I got shit to do this morning but I'll send you over to Drifty's to enjoy his takedown (as usual) of the idiotic tool Bobo Brooks:


But of course, powerful people lying about matters of life and death is not material about which Our Mr. Brooks "reports", but instead is the contaminated water in which he swims.

From his full-throated support of the Operation Iraqi Clusterfuck and contempt for the filthy hippies who opposed his full-throated support of the Scooter Libby and contempt for the filthy Lefties who opposed his full-throated support of the Oligarchs and his contempt for the filthy Occupiers who opposed his full-throated support of Paul Wolfowitz and his contempt for the filthy anti-Semites who questioned him...Mr. Brooks' career has had one, utterly consistent and very profitable theme: Afflicting the afflicted and comforting the comfortable.




  1. I saw Bobo on Press The Meat yesterday saying similar stuff. What a dildo.

  2. I shoulda read Drifty's post first. Heh.

  3. And if we do find a place where "if it feels good, do it" extends to butt-fucking children, we need to nuke it.
