Monday, November 28, 2011

Cleanup in Aisle 5 ...

Peace on Earth, goodwill to men:


Family and friends were stunned by the loss of a West Virginia man who died while shopping on Black Friday as fellow bargain hunters reportedly walked around — and even over — the man’s body.


That's the problem with this country; too many assholes in it.

1 comment:

  1. Shit like that happens at any mass I.Q.-lowering session like Black Friday, NFL games, etc., from a Hell's Angels picnic to an Amish convention. Isolated incidents, one rotten apple spoils the barrel and all that, but it's extra symbolic of what's wrong with people when it comes in a consumer frenzy after a feast day that's supposed to be about counting your blessings. A strange and grimly ironic juxtaposition.

    The best we can do is to not participate and add to the madness.
