Sunday, November 6, 2011

DeMint not happy: GOP field is too smart


Sen. Jim DeMint tells Washington Post columnist Marc A. Thiessen he does not plan to endorse any candidate in the GOP presidential primary contest — an endorsement that would be a big prize in the critical South Carolina primary early next year. “I want to announce that I am very unlikely to endorse a candidate in the presidential race."

What? None of 'em stoopid enough for ya?

Note to Jimmy DumbMint: Lower the bar of stupidity to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Jesus saw you coming and dug it 6000 years ago just for that purpose. If that ain't low enough, try the Marianas Trench.


  1. I got an old engine block that would help ol' Jimmy D get that bar down to the bottom of the Marianas.

  2. ... the Marianas Trench ...

    She worked the bar scene on Okinawa, right? Heh ...

  3. I think so. I won't make any comments about "trench dick". Heh.

    Make sure the engine block ain't a good core. Wouldn't wanta waste one.

  4. Nah, an old Dodge 340 block that I threw a rod in. Blew out the water jacket and the main cap.

  5. He probably hasn't been paid enough by any candidate, yet. Down in SC, Jimbo determines and approves the final vote total for every electronic machine in the state. Winning numbers don't come cheap.
