Thursday, November 17, 2011

Drifty sez ...

Neuticles is smaaart!


But in this Universe, Newt is the GOP's Total Package, which is why – year after year – the Sock Puppets of Empire like David Gregory keep putting him back in the spotlight.

Because, we are told, Newt is Smart.




  1. He's not near as smart in real life. He's an evil, twisted buffoon.

  2. Evil Twisted and a Buffoon ?
    Ain't that the definition of a Republican ?

  3. Like Homer Simpson:

  4. Actually, I think Newt the Reptile *IS* smart. Not as smart as he thinks he is, but he's not an utter cretin like the rest of the Republican clown circus (other than Romney, who is similar to Newt except with less charisma -- and Newt ain't exactly Mr. Charisma himself, just sayin').

    The problem with Newt ain't that he's a moron. It's that he's fuckin-'a *EEEEEvil*. He's a reptile, cold blooded, lacking all conscience, slithering into public notice from time to time whenever he's satiated from dining on lobbying dollars. But Newt the Reptile better watch out. We all know what happens to snakes if they traipse out into the presence of the wrong person -- like, say, the presence of a farmer who's wielding a hoe in his garden. Can you say *FORMER* snake?

    - Badtux the Viciously Snarky Penguin

  5. Now that David Gregory has heard it straight from the horse's mouth Jack Abramoff, that Newticles is corrupt, I am waiting to see if it will cut into his face time on Press the Meat.

  6. Sure Newt's smart. At least he's no dumber than any other public figure, whether Republican or otherwise. And he's certainly as corrupt as any other vampire- I mean politician. But I am the REAL Drifty, and this comment is the first thing I've ever written about how the Gingrich is trying to steal Christmas by joining the race and forcing news-casters to tell us all about it. Anyway, you can see what I do write about at my miserable little blog. The link is below.
