Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get the hook...

Pizza Guy on China:

“Yes, they’re a military threat, they’ve indicated that they’re trying to develop nuclear capabilities, so yes, we have to consider them a military threat,” he said.

China has had nuclear weapons since 1964.

He's really, really trying to get out of the mess he got into by underestimating the stupidity of the GOP base. If he'da said that on F**Noise they'd have just nodded their heads and drooled like they do and popped wood over the thought of nuking 1.3 billion little brown people.

This time he's not playing to them. He's getting serious. He said it on PBS, which they don't watch because it's a buncha godless commies, worse, Liberals, and made himself look the fool in front of folks with brains. He's serious about wanting out.

Someone should tell him he's wasting our time and just get the hell out.


  1. Someone should tell him he's wasting our time and just get the hell out.

    He gotta finish peddling his book first.

  2. He's buying most of them himself.
