Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Turkey!

Gord's off to Mrs. G's family on the Central Coast and I'm helping the Mrs. cook today for tomorrow. We're bringing Thanksgiving over to dad-in-law's because it's easier than dragging him over here. So there probably won't be shit happening here.

Just wanted to wish you all, from the Brain family to yours, a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Eat well!


  1. We grab a 7AM flight to Florida tomorrow to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. The other brothers are there already.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Fixuh, Mrs Fixuh, the family, Gordon and Mrs Gordon and his family and to all the AltBrain family as well.

  2. Everybody please have a happy and safe day. Count your blessings.

  3. Yep, gonna do Thanksgiving at a friend's place. Bound to be a bunch of damn hippies, bleeding heart liberals, weird pagans, old fools who think they know Jack shit and everyone else.

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, be safe, be happy, and save room for pie!
