Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hell Freezes Over

Newt Gingrich Calls For Reinstating Glass-Steagall, Admits Deregulating The Banking Industry Was A Mistake

Heh. Fucker sees a shot at it what with Pizza Guy swirling the drain. Kinda tells the tale of the Repug field when telling the truth is a desperation move.

Note to Neut: Nobody gives a shit what you say.

Ice skating, anyone?


  1. ... telling the truth is a desperation move.

    No shit.

  2. A last ditch, Hail Mary, one minute to midnight, grabbing at straws attempt.

    The question is what're we gonna do for entertainment after the collective Mass Fail? We're gonna be stuck with Willard for a year before his.

  3. I think the Mittster is hoping he can put us all to sleep. God, the man has the personality of a dial tone.

  4. personality of a dial tone

    'Like'. :-)

  5. "personality of a dial tone"... am swiping ;).

    - Badtux the Snark-admirin' Penguin

  6. If Newt were to be elected. I believe that I might follow Jesse Ventura down to Mexico.

  7. Ain't gonna happen. Be careful in Mexico and come back after vacation.

  8. Y'all just remember that any of your contacts that are not ancient might not know what a dial tone is.

  9. Some of us remember when a dial tone was a new fangled thing that took the place of an operator.
