Friday, November 4, 2011

The Koch Brotha ...


There’s embracing the Koch brothers, and then there’s Herman Cain.

“I am the Koch brothers’ brother from another mother,” Cain told a crowd at a Koch-funded Americans For Prosperity gathering in Washington Friday.



Really ... again?

Bachmann: The Founding Fathers chose to have the NYSE in NYC rather than DC

The stupid is strong today.


  1. If say, 50+ years ago, your mother was different but your father was the same, you were typically referred to as "the bastard child" and ignored when it came to writing the will. It was not generally something that was bragged about.

    But Herman says so and in this case, I'm prepared to believe him.

  2. The stupid is strong today

    A heavy flow day...

  3. I wish Bachmann could run for president every day from now on.
    she is a comedy goldmine.

  4. So does this mean that Daddy Koch was bangin' the maid? 'Cause that's the only black woman that woulda been around back in those days...

    - Badtux the Curious Penguin
