Friday, November 25, 2011

Never thought I'd see it ...

The Mrs. said "feh" to Black Friday. This is the first time since I've known her that she didn't have my ass out in the wee hours. Usually, we do all our Christmas shopping on Black Friday and we're done, but I think the raw commercialism this year, with stores opening on Thanksgiving, has crossed her line (according to her, it exploits workers and human nature in the name of greed). We're shopping for actual presents online and having them shipped (for friends out of town) and, since the nieces and nephews are getting older (the two oldest are 25 and the youngest is 10) we've given up trying to find whatever "in" thing they want this year. They're all getting cash and they can buy whatever the fuck they want. Hopefully, some of them will use it for stuff their parents don't want them to. Heh ...

We had a great Thanksgiving with dad-in-law yesterday and our own little feast for the Dingo Sisters when we got home. Hope you all had a good time with family and friends yesterday and everybody made it home in one piece.


  1. The Mrs. said "feh" to Black Friday

    I thought there was an earthquake this morning, but it was the planet shifting on its axis...

  2. No shit. I was all graered up for her to have me out last night (but I wasn't gonna bring it up) but when we went to bed I asked her if we were going out warly this morning and she said she's had it with the Balck Friday bullshit. She did admit, around 9 a.m., that she felt like she should be in a store somewhere. She's cleaning the kitchen instead. Heh ...

  3. We're going to do a little shopping today, but we'll wait for the mob scene to die down a little.

  4. The greedy fuckers crossed my line years ago, now it is just out of control.

    I hate this new, improved, extended season with a passion.
    As for the rest of my purchases, it's all about the gift cards.
    One stop at a major store, buy ten of the fucking things and out.

    learn from the master boys.

    Glad ya both had a nice Thanksgiving.
