Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No more excuses, ladies. It's good for you!

Stole this from my friend Robin, the daughter of another friend, on Facebook.

I wonder if "Honest, baby, it's the best thing you can do for yourself!" will catch on...


  1. I got a whole schtick about how "Dr. Fixer's Root Oil" is a cure for just about everything. I usually go into it when I see an acne med, Preparation H, cough suppressant, or Ensure commercial.

  2. I'd like ta hear that sometime. All them ingredients sound like a wrinkle-free experience! Heh.

  3. Why isn't that on the front page of every newspaper in the country ?!!

    I personally recommend DR. Busted's two ball throat cream, it cures what ails ya, especially whatever is ailing me!

  4. Hm-m-m, a study that actually benefits Mankind. I wonder who financed it?
