Thursday, November 3, 2011

Off again ...

Gotta take the little red beast for shots this morning. Should be fun; she's a real drama queen when it comes to the vet. Before Dr. Grove even gives her the shot, she's wailing like someone is killing her.


  1. I understand that owners and dogs can look alike. But is is also possible for them to act alike?

  2. Tami's fine now, but she's been getting blood tests every coupla weeks to check on the numbers.

    She's so used to it that she goes right to the blood-drawing station and puts her arm up on the table and looks at the doc. The doc says she's so good about it he's gonna let her take her own blood next time. Heh.

  3. Rook - I got a pain threshold that would make Rambo cry.

    Gord - Glad to hear she's okay.

  4. And, BTW, she was quite good today, once I pried her out from under the chair. Heh ... I brought her up to the shop afterward (right around the corner from the vet) and she managed to weasel snacks out of Harry.

  5. Weaseling snacks outta us suckers is what dogs do, it's who they are. Even us old curmudgeons fall for it.
