Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quote of the Day

Fez on Kasich:


You sir are a Republican, "spending time to reflect" is not in your nature. Cutting & pasting FoxNews talking points and genuflecting to the Koch brothers yes, looking in mirror, no.



  1. Could it be that the worm is beginning to turn...that people are realizing that buying into right-wing plutocratic bullshit is just not good for them?

  2. Just like every action movie, the bad guys always win first one, then lose it to the good guys. As a final act of desperation, the evil genius opens up the over-sized steel door to release the giant robots.

    They're not going to take this lying down. Get ready for the invasion of the Repub-robots.

    Kasich said so last night. They did not concede defeat, they are merely taking this to the next level.

    It gets ugly from now on.

    No, uglier.

  3. Reflect my ass. They're just waiting for the Kochs to tell them what to do next.
