Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seven billion ways to swallow God

If it's Wednesday, it must be Morford going on about 7 billion human beings.

Seven billion eager souls later, you'd think we'd have it sort of figured out.

"I don't quite know how it happened. One day I was sipping some Maker's and blowing some hot love into this sweet Ocarina app Moloch gifted me, and the next, boom, seven billion ravenous little fleshbombs running around like they own the place. I gotta back off the mushrooms." -God

Why bother? That ship done sailed, Dude. We're about to fuck ourselves out of a place to sit at the dinner table.


  1. ... Ocarina app ...

    At first glance I thought it was an electronic bong. Heh ...

  2. Heh. A friend of mine made a supercharged bong out of a garden sprayer. It had long hoses so it would reach around the room, a pipe fitting for a bowl and a ball valve. He'd pump it up and open the valve and blow you up like a balloon. I've never seen another one like it.
