Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stupid Republicans ...


Texas Gov. Rick Perry got a big round of applause from the crowd when he said, “The foreign aid budget in my administration for every country is going to start at zero dollars, zero dollars — and then we’ll have a conversation in this country about whether or not a penny of our taxpayer dollars needs to go into those countries.”


So I guess they've written off the American Jewish vote?

What I wrote on the Facebook:

Well, the Republican idiots did it this time. They're saying "foreign aid should start at zero". Have any of them talked this over with AIPAC? You know, being Israel gets the largest chunk of American foreign aid? And these are the people who say President Obama is dissing Israel? I wonder how loud they'd scream if Obama cut off Israel's foreign aid? Idiots.

Bloody twats.


  1. Of course, what he really said was nothing. I dare to suggest that no POTUS or SecState of the last 50 years or more would tell you that we are giving money to any nation "because we've always given them money". You always start at zero (at least in conversation) and the proponents argue the number up while the detractors argue either against the up or actually down. If one takes Perry at his word without the nuance of knowledge, he is saying that out of a ~1,000,000 line item budget, he is going to dedicate the majority of his time to about ~200 or fewer items that make up a relatively small percentage of the overall budget and pretty much gloss over the rest.

    Yea, that'll make things better.

  2. Selfishness plays well to the 'base'. Base, as in demeaning, is a good word for them.

  3. Hell, these fuckwads would say the moon was green and made of cheese if it got a cheer from the knuckle draggers in the audience. The collective IQ of these dog and pony shows hasn't gone above 50 yet.

    I say stage a big debate, let all the candidates participate, pass out free t-shirts with that Obama as witch doctor picture (and free Cheetos and Diet Pepsi) to bring in the base, then set off about 300lbs of C4 disguised as a statue of Saint Ronnie.

    I know, I know but I can dream... :)

    (clearly labelled satire, kinda)

  4. Yeah, ya gotta label satire these days.

    And please quit insulting dog and pony shows.

  5. Hell, I feel bad insulting idiots.

  6. Kinda like eating Lay's potato chips, Fix.

  7. Those are Mormon potato chips from Salt Lake City, at least the ones at my two supermarkets.

  8. Well, the other question is: which costs us more? Foreign aid or fighting wars we don't need to--quite often because we won't put up the money for foreign aid...

    But I guess war toys are always more exciting than Food for Peace, if you're a Repub...
