Friday, November 4, 2011

The Troll speaks ...

And lies:

Yesterday New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg alleged that Occupy Wall Street participants at Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) are chasing criminals out of the park instead of reporting them to police. In reality, Occupy Wall Street has its own well-trained internal security force, but this team does not substitute for the police when it comes to criminal activity that threatens our community or local residents. Occupy Wall Street participants have called upon police on occasions when people with predatory intentions have come into the park and engaged in illegal and destructive behavior, and have in fact turned over criminals to the NYPD.

“Bloomberg lied yesterday when he claimed that a sexual assault suspect was merely kicked out of the park, when in fact OWS security personnel forcibly removed the individual and handed him directly to the NYPD,” said Andrew Smith, a member of OWS’s overnight Community Watch. “The Mayor should get his facts straight before he calls responsible citizens protecting our community ‘despicable.’”


Indeed, especially since the NYPD is directing "undesirables" down to Zuccotti Park:

The NYPD has allegedly come up with an ingenious way to sabotage the Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan: Just send drunks and homeless people down there!


Yes, we should help the homeless, for many of us are just a layoff or a medical issue away from losing their homes, but when the city uses them as pawns to discredit peaceful protesters, that's 'despicable'.


  1. The words Republican and facts never belong in the same sentence.

    I see that Tony Baloney got assigned to Staten Island? Hopefully, guarding a landfill.

  2. They should put him on the Staten Island Ferry all winter, as the outside guard. Cold wind blows down the Narrows.

  3. Michael Moore said yesterday that if the protesters see someone trying to stir up violence, their first thought should be that he is a police/1% plant.
