Tuesday, November 1, 2011


David Atkins:


People are only going to get more and more angry until they start to see some justice. Remarkably, though, our elites don't even seem to get the idea that there were even misdeeds that require any accountability. That's a recipe for increased acrimony and conflict. If bipartisan fetishists and various pearl clutchers want more public unity and less fractious political discourse, they should start looking into how to satisfy the public's yearning to see justice done to those who continue profit at their expense.


  1. The elites know good and goddam well what they're up to. The OWS are a buncha godless commie fucks because they found out about it and are pissed.

  2. They're scared the godless commies found out too.

  3. And rightly so. The next time the gravy train stops to take on gravy it's likely to get the "night they burned ol' Dixie down" treatment.
