Friday, November 4, 2011

Word ...

Blue Girl and Yellow Dog:

For now, GOP primary voters ... don't believe the accusations of sexual harrassment against Herman Cain. But how long will that last? That depends on the race of the women who accused him. If they are African American or Latina, the base won't care -- but let just one of them be white, and he will be history so fast he'll think he woke up late in the afternoon in a sundown town. You read it here first.


  1. Uncle Ruckus's defense is likely going to be that white women just throw themselves at black men to see whether black men's... equipment... is as huge as reputed, and if black men repulse them file bogus sexual harassment charges against black men. How well that flies with the GOP rank and file is anybody's guess.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. The "equipment" stereotype is the only one the brothas never deny. Heh.

    I don't care what color the gals are as long as it fucks Cain up. The DEQ can kiss my ass. They can't elect anybody past the primary anyway.

  3. If they are liberal white women, they wanted it. If not, his defenders will be looking for the lynching rope.
