Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yeah ...

After kicking Obama in the ass when he visited theWhite House, after lecturing Obama from the House floor,and after thumbing his nose at Obama with regard to the settlements, what else did they expect?

Well, you knew this was coming. Right-wingers and neocons were going to go ballistic that Barack Obama did not properly rush to defend the honor of Benjamin Netanyahu, a man who has gone out of his way to insult Obama at virtually every opportunity.


Some of us would argue that Bibi has no honor to defend.


  1. Why are these clowns acting as the representatives of a foreign power, instead of the United States? When did America become the seventh district of Israel?

  2. Read Revelations. That little piece of nonsense provides the essential road map for the Repug Klown Kar.

    The end times can't come if Israel makes peace with its neighbors. Plastic Jesus wants Bibi to bomb the Holy Shit out of Iran and Syria and Lebanon and Egypt and Jordan and California but not Florida.
